The so-called second quantum revolution is in full swing, with scientists not only able to understand what happens at a sub-atomic level but also control this quantum behaviour enough to develop new technologies. Magnetic Shields Limited is currently involved in the development of several of these upcoming technologies.
Quantum Computing
Quantum computers are expected to have a number of important uses in computing fields such as optimization and machine learning. They are perhaps best known for their expected ability to carry out Shor's algorithm, which can be used to factorize large numbers and is an important process in the securing of data transmissions.
Quantum Timing
A quantum clock is a type of atomic clock with laser-cooled single ions confined together in an electromagnetic ion trap, providing timing that is 37 times more precise than the pre-existing international standard.
Quantum Sensors
Quantum sensors are expected to have a number of applications in a wide variety of fields including positioning systems, communication technology, electric and magnetic field sensors and gravimetry.

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